Monday, April 7, 2014

Australian authorities confirmed today that its satellites have made interesting discoveries that c

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- Last message I got was that our ship is on its way and should be something hours away from the current search area. As I understand it, we are among the first to reach the place, says the head of ship owning Olav Sollie in Höegh Autoliners Dagbladet.
Australian authorities confirmed today that its satellites have made interesting discoveries that can be linked to the missing plane. It has been observed several happy halloween objects, it's 24 meters long. The findings made 2260 km southwest of Perth West Australia.
Satellite happy halloween images shown until today, possibly parts of the missing MH370-plane, four days old. Marine Chief John Young says authorities have spent time analyzing the images before they concluded that they may originate from the plane. And if they originated from the plane, it may take time before the rest may exist.
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