Silvia66 "Born to Knit" Any time knitting is a good time. I was born in Frankfurt Main (Germany), then I lived in Zaragoza (Spain) and now live in Modena (Italy). I have studied law. I work for an Italian publishing house where I elaborate didactic texts. I love grammar and literature. I love crafts: I have practiced painting on glass, watercolor, iconic stencil, etc. I teach drawing, as a volunteer in a school for deaf mutes. I love knitting and crocheting, I love researching new techniques. I hope you find happiness in these pieces I made. Thank you for stopping by♥ Visualizza il mio profilo completo
This is an unusual and creative necklace , made to take the difference, to wear beauty. Impressive, unique, different. This style of jewelry is designed so that people would enjoy wearing a unique style of accesory to enhance and accentuate an outfit, better yet, to brighten a wardrobe. SHOP NOW
What time is it in Modena?
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