Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Oh Cata !!!!!!!!!!! Es absolutly adorable !!!!!! It es todo bien que se you to ... Me encanta !!!!!

Posted by Catalina Alvarez at 20:05
But give participate! Then my favorite flower is the tulip but also the camellia I do not mind !!!! And then we hope to have an early present swimsuits for one day for my birthday, come on! Already know when to use the necklace !!! Delete Reply
Hola Cata! Como me gusta el collar, es hermoso, with lo que me gustan los accesorios! I favored es la flor violeta, Pequeña de mi mama a tapeworm replete jardin de estas flores pequeñas violetas y blancas y yo pasaba horas juntandolas, para que luego las she pusiera en pequeños floreros por toda la home. Otra flor que me gusta mucho es el jazmin, holds an aroma exito. Espero take suerte, ese ganar doble collar serious a fortune. Por el lado a collar que es hermoso y por otro a creacion tuya. Un abrazo desde Argentina. http://gabytamdq.blogspot.com/2010/02/ausencia-y-sorteo.html Cata Hola! How I love the necklace is beautiful, so I like the accessories! My favorite flower is the violet, my mom had a small garden full of these little purple and white flowers and I spent hours and hours, so then put them in small pots for the home. Another flower that I like is the jasmine smells of success. I hope to get lucky, win the necklace would be a double luck. On the one hand, the necklace is beautiful and the other a creation of yours. A hug from Argentina. swimsuits http://gabytamdq.blogspot.com/2010/02/ausencia-y-sorteo.html (translated with Google Translate for forgiveness for the mistakes ...) Delete Reply
Hello, what a great idea fioroso candy! My favorite is the iris, purple as my favorite swimsuits color. There is still a place in my country where they grow and sometimes I go to a coglierli.Corro linkarti, Ant xx PS beautiful necklace! Delete swimsuits Reply
Hello Cata! My name is Silvia and I adoooore tuuutti flowers swimsuits !!! If I have to pick one ... I would say the 'orchid because it looks like a queen, fragile and thoughtful !!! A hug! Silvia http://ilgattomammone.blogspot.com/ Delete Reply
I also love all the flowers in my green thumb ... green e'proprio. In summer with my cacti and their flowers make sparks. Your necklace and 'gorgeous ... Hello Anna Rita Delete Reply
hello ed. nice to participate in your giveaway. the flower that I love most of all is the iris .... viola.e swimsuits then of course I really like the flowers of the countryside. thanks for the chance to win one of your creations swimsuits and good luck to all. Delete Reply
I love wildflowers! I love sunflowers and rest enchanted by the flowers of wisteria! ah, if there were the flowers with their amazing colors and scents! 26 is my birthday, swimsuits who knows, tell me right! Delete Reply
Hola mi flor Cata favorite Huille es el que es una flor en el campo parace whence swimsuits ibamos with me abuelita swimsuits QEPD draws me lindos recuerdos. muy lindo you sorteo, an abrazo desde chile Hello Cata Huille is my favorite swimsuits flower is a flower that parace in the field where we went with my grandma QEPD brings me nice memories. pretty much your drawing, a hug from Chile Delete Reply
Oh Cata !!!!!!!!!!! Es absolutly adorable !!!!!! It es todo bien que se you to ... Me encanta !!!!!! A mí me gustan los muchísimo girasoles y las margaritas! It es que soy muy Scots !!!! A huge abrazo y feliz fin de semana! Delete Reply
I always soften swimsuits the daisies, so simple and pretty. I like to find stuff from appuntarne in the hair or embroidered swimsuits on a blouse ... the real ones have to be alone in the meadows! Daisy is also one of the names that I like ... Delete Reply
Cata Hola mi nombre es Verónica y soy de Argentina. I preferida flor es por el Jazmin on hold perfume y varios en casa y soportan 45th grados during el verano y mi otra es la flor Hortensia de hacer que estoy tratando crecer. A beauty ESE collar. Esperaremos el beso sorteoooo A great http://vero-hechoencasa.blogspot.com/search/label/Sorteo Delete Reply
Hello Cata! What a pleasure to visit your blog !!! every time a welcome surprise, and this necklace is simple and rich at the same time! My favorite flowers are beautiful wisteria (I have a beautiful plant when it blooms in the country that leaves me without words) and the hydrangeas (I have some varieties of which two Japanese very nice). I hope in the draw !!! Kisses Carla Delete Reply
Hello Cata, this necklace is beautiful, congratulations !!!! Willingly participate in your giveaway ... so ... hard to pick a flower, I would say that I really like the gardenia but also the tulip, magnolia, wisteria, mimosa, passion flower, jasmine, orchid, rose and also I really love the simple flowers of the fields such as the poppy, primrose, violet, daisy, sunflowers, etc ... as you can understand it is hard to choose for me and then I say "WI FLOWERS ALL" !!!! ! BACI Milvi cla

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