"With all the imperfections of our present government, it is without comparison the best existing, or That ever did exist." --Thomas Jefferson, 1787 In-depth reviews related to American politics.
Washington, DC was hit today by an extensive power outage, which also affected the White House who had to start their backup celtic fc generators. Mark Knoller - correspondent for CBS News - tweeted: celtic fc Spokesman celtic fc Says WH now back on regular power after backup generators kicked in after INITIALLY electricity outage.- Mark Knoller (markknoller) April 7, 2015 The blackout is estimated to have been caused by an explosion - an accident - the an adjacent power plant. In addition celtic fc to the White House also affected the University of Maryland a series Smithsonian musier, where visitors were evacuated. celtic fc And thirteen train stations. Sources: Washington Post, TIME, Yahoo
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