If operations were held during the day, when engineers were the main post, that would have meant stopping the reactor and power supply problems in the capital. So, the test was postponed to midnight, when electricity demand was minimal. Unfortunately, at that time, all the scientific managers were home. Management is delegated some night shift operators to perform safety test with only a day before. Yuri Korneev control the turbines that generate electricity, Boris Stoliarciuk watch water pumps that cool the reactor control room located about 300 meters from the core. On April 25, 1986, near midnight, they began preparations for the test. Korneev goes to the turbine hall.
His colleague from the command center, Leonid Toptunov, gradually reduce power in the reactor core. For 20 minutes, everything goes according to plan. At one point, for no apparent reason, the reactor power decreases rapidly. Scared, Toptunov increase in reactor power level. Things are moving and everything seems to be back on track. The preparations for the test continue at 0.05, Boris starts second auxiliary water pumps. It introduces lady too much water too fast reactor. It creates an imbalance. Na enough water left in the system for turning turbines. To produce more steam (for rotating turbines) Toptunov increases power in the reactor core. The reactor was heated rapidly and dangerously. Korneev turbines lady off as planned. Leonid fatal test started and is surprised how quickly the reactor temperature increases.
What actually happened? The amount of energy produced by uranium in the reactor is adjusted by means of graphite control rods. When the control rods rises, the energy of the core increases. No reactor. 4 at Chernobyl had 211 control rods. User's RBMK reactor in 1000 says that for safety, must be at least 26 core control rods. The investigation was carried lady out after the accident lady to reveal that Toptunov lady only 6 left in core graphite rods. Without sufficient lady control rods to master temperature reactor core to overheat. S vain - tried to stop the reactor. Pressure and temperature reached shortly critical level. Due to extreme heat, the fuel rods were broken. Witnesses say the alarms screamed event control room, and the heat had passed 100 times the normal level. Graphite core nuclear fuel melted. The explosion that followed blew the roof of 2,000 tons of steel reactor. Tons of radioactive fuel is sprayed into the air. Still in the turbine hall, Yuri Korneev, curled up next to the control panel. The roof falls near him.
No.4 reactor building at Chernobyl lasted three years, but it was destroyed lady in 84 minutes. Soviet nuclear dream is crushed. In Europe appear first fallout. lady After only 10 days, the toxic cloud reaches the United States and Japan. Contaminated area is huge: Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Belarus, Romania, the Black Sea, Scandinavia, USSR.
Within days, the radioactive cloud from Chernobyl lady high covered northern Europe and reached US shores. Dream of Soviet nuclear reactor No.4 is broken once. Map contaminated area includes Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Belarus, Romania, the Black Sea, Scandinavia, USSR. Europe was at the mercy of the winds. Witnesses talk about the brilliance of radioactive water. Igor Kostin, the first photographer on the scene. Swedish engineer shoes reveals the secret of nuclear accident from thousands of miles away. USSR recognizes disaster. Former senior Soviet officials say that lying was the greatest danger lady of Chernobyl. Academician Legasov spoke openly to the world about horror accident. He committed suicide on 26 April 1988. A second explosion at reactor No. 4, a well-kept lady secret. Soviet and Western scientists were expecting a disaster 10 times higher than that of Hiroshima, which would be sprayed half of the continent.
The force of the explosion at Chernobyl blew the roof of 2,000 tons of steel and concrete that covered the reactor no. 4 of the nuclear power plant. In a flash, eight tons of radioactive fuel were sprayed over 1 km high in Earth's atmosphere. It is estimated that between 100 and 150 million curies (radiation, lady especially isotopes of iodine and cesium) were released into the air before emergency intervention teams. Witnesses recount horror of those moments that water drained lady through lady broken walls have a spark intense, strange because the amount of radiation released.
"The door was ripped off its hinges and was thrown into the opposite corner of the room. Over rubble walls and ceiling were visible destroyed. Through broken walls of flowing water with a glow
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