TV Slovenia us almost stole the show: just a few days before our meeting, they aired a documentary about another basket usa generation dvoriščnikov from Swindon. With the permission basket usa of the editorial board published a review of Mark Crnkovic on our Come-bit-side down prior to publication in the journal Views next week. PS: Why is not alone with these ideas? It would have made a better documentary!
It was a coincidence that the documentary Children of the socialist bloc in the first program of Television Slovenia for a few days (17 June) ahead of the children from the socialist bloc - my, our block (21 June). It is not a coincidence, of course, that this is so interested in the author Zvezdan Martič than me and half of Slovenia. TV documentary is about a block to Smrekarjev 6 (today Šaranovićevi 4) in Celje, but on my block Aškerčeva 24, 26, 28 and Kersnikova 7, 9, 11, 13 in Maribor. Our was built before exactly fifty years ago, one of Celje is my least five years before. In the documentary, I missed anniversary: exactly basket usa when the block was built; when they were born residents, with which childhood memories appear before the camera; when the photos were taken from the archives; when it is actually what happened, and from that happening. In Slovenia, we miss an informal, not-adhesive Museum of Contemporary History, oral history, pop sociology past, permanent and available cloud exhibition of memories, impressions, experiences and common experience, and Seran materialized in different ways. Physical state exhibits - for me may be in quotation marks - and museum status in no way essential, but it is nevertheless necessary to be precise. These are indeed things that can not be subject to the rules of historical basket usa and museum science, but despite, or precisely because it using a landmark in excess of arbitrariness and unreliability of memory. The documentary Children of the socialist bloc is an important and encouraging basket usa step in this direction - but not a model. The best parts of the film are those in which the screenwriter and director of the former residents left to talk about what they just priplavalo to the surface of memory. From these fragments it is possible to reconstruct life at that time. Testimonies speak of particularistic experience, but not without posploševalne value. Martičevi former neighbors have own statements for the middle class and like all honest members of the middle class do not want too sociologizirati and work smart. From these talks life. That's the beauty of oral history: explain it without explanation alone does not explain to us the other. Thus, for example, says the woman in the film: "When we get an apartment, we had the feeling that our own, even though it was social." Never heard or read better definition of socialism. However, it is typically a one-hour documentary of all former residents only Zvezdan basket usa Martič those who work sociologizira and smart. The key is his statement basket usa that, with the emergence of washing machines "began sharing". Please? Or do think that Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who is the beginning inequality locate the moment when the first man enclosed patch of land and declared her? If you're not Rousseau - or at least a sociologist basket usa with the right to sociologiziranja or repairer washing machines - then it is better to be quiet. What division? What division? Stratification? Inequality? Martic says this "end of the community, as we have known it at the time." Politicized We have many things and almost everything now it's his turn washing machine. My mother was upon moving to Aškerčeva 24 bought a washing machine - castor relax, which for decades did not want to (finally) to spoil, before I go I'm basket usa away from the house - and always said that you would inventor of the washing machine earn the Nobel Prize. Martic has grown from a boy into a man, and found that washing machines destroy genuine human relations and loosen social cohesion. The phenomenon of the former courtyards and rooms adolescence, socialization and rituals of transition from the world of children into the adult world does not say much about the former social order. On the one hand, the courtyard basket usa then on the social margins, in essence, subculture, important only for the children, on the other hand it is they themselves are due to the specifics of your sight nowadays are not reliable witnesses of the then situation. basket usa Filming documentaries about youth in the backyard talking about nostalgia and complacency of the first postwar generations Slovenian babyboomerjev between suburbs and urban centers. Talk about where all of us, life departed, even though we lived almost literally next to each other. A know about something more concrete basket usa and reliable is guesswork. Therefore, from today's point of view the most interesting of what we can say about the yard today probably times when it is no longer - when children no longer go to the yard. Why? Care about washing machines, socialism and social cohesion. basket usa I would like to know just why children nowadays no longer play in the yards. What happened? The second half of the sixties and seventies the first half I spent in the yard, to say the least ten of the most active years of age. Full
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