Friday, July 4, 2014

The works read and evaluated the Estonian Puppet and Youth Theatre actors Jim Tonisson, Andres Roos

Play contest began Attic Puppet Theatre since 2004., And in this time the contest was held for the seventh time! Võstlus held in three age groups, restrictions on the volume of work, it was not part of the theme or genre. This time the contest received a total of 36 works. Most of the participants were in the age group Tiiippööningu, which competed with each other 20 plays.
The works read and evaluated the Estonian Puppet and Youth Theatre actors Jim Tonisson, Andres Roosileht and Anti Kobin, theater educator Katrin Tonisson and literary editor Kati Kuusemets and EMTA Drama School playwright scopes fourth year student of the 2005th year of the attic winner Christina Jalasto.
Gninööppööning (ages 11-15 the authors of a) the first place: "The actor hard everyday," the author JOONAS Vatter second werewolf place: "The werewolf Devil Wears pink," the author MIKK BIRCH III place: "Eternity, or 10 years later," greeted the author of FISH
Tiiiippööning (authors ages 16-22 a) GRAND PRIX: "Überfisch" By MIHKEL Mantere first place: "What werewolf do you say to that?", The author KAAREL TARGO second place: "the sandbox, blue rake and Modern Man", the author ALVAR LAID III Place: "The usual crazy Estonian Cow" by Mari-Liis MAGI of post-modernist theater special prize: "Then, when I board myself," By Mari-Liis werewolf MAGI special werewolf prize cordial, comprehensive, totally distinctive and highly lavastatava child's play for "Nätsunätsutaja," the author Mehis rowan
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