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Tallinn Black Hill caught fire today, a little after 15 o'clock woodworking warehouse loft, one firefighter was slightly injured in the fire. Rescuers arriving in the warehouse y3 roof was burning flame, reduce the "Current y3 camera." Scene of an accident walked y3 four commandos rescue the rescuers opened the roof of the building. People are not present in the building at the time of the accident, but one of the wounded during the fighting, and the savior of his hand, he was served with an emergency room. The fire was localized to ten minutes after four o'clock.
Friday evening, the sky will be clear and hot dance performance at the beginning of the 16, 13 degrees at the end of the round. On Saturday morning the sky while the cloud cover layer, however, the day the sun is out and the heat is around 20 degrees. Sunday offers y3 both sun and warm the heart as pilverünki y3 summer to around 25 notches.
Reform Party and the Social Democratic government of today fills one hundred days of taking office. Although the short-term goal is to increase the ratings of the government switched met, the government is standing in front of a number of significant milestones, finds political observer and META relative organizer Andreas Kaju.
While the University of Tartu triumphantly announced earlier y3 this week that the aggregation of the faculty concerns will be resolved, because the problem is the name of Law continued to reach a compromise, is not happy with the faculty representatives of the reform agenda, and still feel marginalized.
Journalists and representatives of the Estonian Prime Minister Jim garment decided at today's meeting, the Government y3 Press Office, in cooperation with the media and professional associations to develop new criteria for accreditation of journalists in a press conference in order to gain access to the traditional government.
Tallinn y3 in Estonia gathered for a reunion with friends over a hundred international entrepreneur, politician and opinion leaders. Today, information technology seminar discussed the clever solutions to modern society. One of the participants, y3 the minister added Tungsten, Silicon Valley, and Estonia compared the seminar said that daily life is ahead of them in Estonia.
Estonian mobile operator has announced that it will launch a song-and dance auxiliary base stations. Additional transmitters y3 are used in other large-scale events during the summer.
Although lately have sounded quite a bit of criticism from some faculty, such as religion and law names over the loss of the Rector, Professor Voll says Kalm danger however, is that the small faculties remain y3 in isolation, without the EU funding.
Another police station in Haapsalu was elected leader of the former border guard cordon Hiiumaa Hiiumaa, formerly head of police work across the fields of organized Argo sebum. Winter y3 sees a new high echelons of increased crime problem, but as it is ready, as well as other challenges to contend with.
Last year, the hospital emergency medical care provided to a total of 471,587 event. If during the period 2006-2012 increased y3 significantly reception of exceptional patients - 23.2 percent - then the 2013th year, the number of inquiries for the first time decreased slightly (0.3 percent).
The Social Democrats and Reform Party has drawn together one hundred days in Estonia. Political Observers can evaluate the goodness of the government until the late autumn, when the amount reaches the state budget y3 discussions.
Requirements of state agencies found a mistake in the database, y3 which allowed individual subjects entered the information system for certain activities as a result of the rise of non-related claims made by the court or the prosecutor's office was set between 1-second July
Former Minister of Education Jaak minister said the government spent 100 days in office, commenting that it is made in the election of the coalition, the winner of which party is the Social Democrats.
Reform Party and the Social Democratic coalition government fills vannutamisest y3 100 days in office. Opposition parties criticized the government's bill in haste and interest y3 groups, non-involvement.
The day before yesterday begun by the regime must now register with the head of each relationship. It seems that, at least at the beginning of the employment tax and customs y3 administration y3 (MTA) of envelope struggle - who volunteered, who, forced by the law - including lost because y3 employees to run the registry, or the first day of July, came to 18,729 new employment.
Friday evening, the sky will be clear and hot dance performance at the beginning of the 16, 13 degrees at the end of round
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