Monday, March 10, 2014

Noticeable that you got worried and took for you ^ ^ so there is probably something in the criticis

I have received a lot of emails from Bl.a Finest editor Erwik that I have violated their blogger Jackie in a lot of posts I've written about her, among other things, that she was portrayed as a person who deceives people out of money, living on welfare and lurking State money (This he wrote in the e-mails).
I do not really know what posts they refer to, given that they make it sound so incredibly serious but last I looked so are the majority of the posts I write a summary of what is already in the various Great Blogs in their blogs. Sure I can add an opinion here and there but is it really so wrong that I say my opinion after bloggers said its? Why appears to me that worse? sports direct I have not said anything lousy instantly! Last time I peeked in on Paows blog so she called Jackie for a sponsor whore lurking company by saying that she has lot of readers that she does not have and when I raised this with Erwik so he did not have anything to say or discuss. Instead, he chose to stick to the topic "Hotgossips sports direct violated Jackie. The fault lies with Hotgossips, my finest bloggers are angels. "
Paow is a girl who does not really seem to care about what other people think, and it has previously been shown that she does not simply delete posts that she had written, sports direct she dares to stand up for what she writes. When his great blogger Paow writes about another blogger who is under the same portal as it seems to be okey for him (Paow have very well for readers who become bossad over (?)) For post still seems to linger! And of course, I think he personally has nothing against me. In my eyes it's pretty obvious! I have neither the strength or time to sit and send mail back and forth with two people who in my eyes is COMPLETELY INCIDENTAL, and is it that Jackie wants me to stop writing about her, I do it with pleasure! She can then try to stick to the small readership sports direct she has today instead appear on Sweden's Largest Gossip Blog which actually benefit the most as it is written on. Should not people be happy to appear in front of so many thousands of people? What is written is not always very good and sure I can be a little half shitty few times but but it's just entertainment. Why take the of what is written here? It's not me who really came up with the stories! I does not hurt to hurt others sports direct directly. I'm very please. Obviously there are things that have been written that might not really is entertainment for so many, and which can be seen as offensive but believe it or not!
I write to any blogger ex went on contributions or that a blogger has been charged with theft, I have it in black and white in front of me so slander, I would not call it, but then, I would obviously not want people to be sad either. Leak proof of something so strong can not be fun for the person it is written about. And as I said compiled posts from the major blogs so I find not quite up stories to fill out the blog! Then maybe bloggers that actually are public figures should sports direct calm down a bit? When I see that a former sports direct great bloggers who today have only a few hundred readers today will be sponsored by a make-up company or a clothing company so I obviously did not keep me from wondering how the email that was sent out actually looked for in the current situation I do not think any company sponsoring a blogger who email and prints "Hello my name is ****** 'and runs the blog *******' by 300 readers a day."
Finally, we'll stick to the topic so I stop with joy to write about Jackie (and others from the same portal none of them deserve to be on my blog) for myself so I do not think she is particularly interesting to write about. When posts about her have appeared, it's well more if I had nothing else to write about and saw that another blogger mentioned her in any way!
Alexandra writes:
Noticeable that you got worried and took for you ^ ^ so there is probably something in the criticism you received. It's not to be mean and spread rumors and crap about others and then blame "everyone sports direct else is doing you, it's tillochmed those ännuuu worse." There are always worse, but YOUR betendee sports direct becomes not okay for it. You have to be able to self-realize where the line is. Because sports direct you are so anonymous, so prove it you you yourself would not appreciate being portrayed.
Kissie: I think no one cares about Jackie Ferm so. Not that anyone sports direct would want to buy her autobiography. She has also gone down something terrible in appearance. Can not peddle the book with the slogan "sex sells".
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