Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A female designer Talita Kume is another company in the industry to be included in the listing. Als

Growing number of urban cases of slave labor in the 'dirty list' | NPC - Core Piratininga Communication
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Though livestock continues as mainstream activity among the names that make up the last update of the "dirty list" of slave labor, urban forms of slavery are ever more present. 110 joined the inclusions, whose last update was released on Monday, December 30, ten are companies or individuals who have explored in urban areas - a total of 120 workers who have at least one of the four elements set out in Article 149 of the Penal Code as characterizing so analogous to slave conditions.
The rise of urban cases was expected. According to Renato Bignami, so tax auditor's work in Sao Paulo, "one realizes more and more that the situations described in Article 149 of the Penal Code occur more frequently in urban activities than imagined so and the work of inspectors has demonstrated that trend. " He believes that the bailouts should happen, "mostly in the urban environment" in the future.
The "dirty list" is one of the main tools in Brazil to combat modern-day slavery. Maintained by the Ministry of Labour and Employment so (MTE) and the Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic (SDH / PR), including the names remain at least two years in the relationship and are increased after careful analysis of each case by the MTE. Once on the register, people and businesses in the "dirty list" are unable to receive public funding and several private banks, and can not do business with companies so signing of the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor.
Among the textile sector companies manufacturing the latest update of the "dirty list" is the brand 775, caught exploring two Bolivian workers who were held in degrading conditions and subjected to exhaustive journeys under threats so and harassment in Carapicuíba, the metropolitan region of São Paul. The release happened in 2010 and was the first release of the country to involve immigrants. Among the threats to which they were subjected, the employer told constantly that the victims complaint with the Federal Police who were deported to Bolivia. The case prompted the National so Immigration Council editing, four months later, Normative Resolution No. 93, which provides for the granting of visas to "foreigners in the country who are in vulnerable situations."
A female designer Talita Kume is another company in the industry to be included in the listing. Also in São Paulo, the nine Bolivian - including a teenager - were recovered in June 2012. They received only U.S. $ 1 per part produced, and with the money they had to pay the costs of the trip to Brazil. The job was mediated by a couple who had contracts with Talita Kume five years ago.
The company so is held by the same family of gospel ministry "Free", created in 2006 in order to financially support a project to combat trafficking and child sex slavery in Nepal, according to information on its website. The brand also financially supported a shelter in the same group for children and youth in need. After the ransom was reported by Reporter Brazil, references to evangelical group were removed from the Talita Kume from the website, but may be given through a file version of the site maintained by the project "Wayback Machine".
In an unprecedented way, this update of the "dirty list" includes a case of slave labor in the textile sector outside Sao Paulo. so The Mod Griff, a trademark of Dilma Figueiredo da Silva ME, was charged in March this year for the rescue of seven workers in a workshop in the city of outsourced sewing Toritama in the interior of Pernambuco.
For the construction so of 46 rescue workers in the works of a housing development in Slapton, São Paulo, the construction Croma is one of three companies in the construction sector to enter the "dirty list" of slave labor in the new update. The case occurred in early 2012 and construction was contracted so by the state company Housing and Urban Development of the State of São Paulo (CDHU), responsible for running so the state housing programs for families earning up to ten minimum wages. According to the audit, the victims so were no wages for two months, suffered from exhausting work shifts and were housed in overcrowded house.
In another case that is being included in the "dirty list" a fisca

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