18 ABR 2014 | 12:53 "It's nexus7 in bad taste," said the Archbishop of Buenos Aires Mario Poli. And priests of the Vicariate for Villas criticized the "trivialization of Holy Week for political nexus7 purposes."
Representatives, including the Archbishop of Buenos Aires Mario Poli, Catholic Church repudiated the cover of the latest edition of the magazine Noticias, where under "Road Crisis" President Cristina Fernandez nexus7 de Kirchner nexus7 is shown crucified. nexus7 "It's in bad taste because Easter is not for that," said the state agency Telam Archbishop Poli, noting nexus7 that "one should not do that with the figure of any president." Poli, Primate nexus7 of Argentina, made these considerations at the end of the Mass on Holy Thursday at the Neuropsychiatric Hospital nexus7 Braulio Moyano, in the neighborhood of shacks. The cover referred to Poli is the News this week where the symbols nexus7 and language of Easter nexus7 to attack the presidential inauguration was used as it did the Publisher Profile repeatedly. "Heavy Cross Cristina" is called the note is sustained by words such as "Peronism promises nexus7 a nightmare"; "Commitment to the resurrection of the Economy," among others. Repudiation of Archbishop nexus7 Poli priests joined the Vicariate nexus7 for Emergency Villas Lorenzo De Vedia and Guillermo Torre, who noted that the cap "trivializes nexus7 the feast of Easter for political purposes." Both priests called "not giving importance or enter the game you propose" the authors of the publication. "I think an unfortunate image, is a trivialization of the feast of the" Easter for political purposes, "he said in remarks to Telam" Toto "De Vedia, coordinator of the Team of Priests for Slums from the parish of Caacupé ., in villaá21-24 Barracks The priest said that "in the village religiosity and people nexus7 respected and adhered much such images is bad for the religious." Source: Telam
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For the purposes hereof, the following definitions apply: - Personal Data Base: organized orderly set of personal data in a database that will be owned by the Company; - Personal data: any information relating to natural or ideal existence that are clients of the company people. nexus7 This information consists of name, address, National ID, Tax ID, phone, nexus7 and email address associated with the payment nexus7 of the service (ie, credit card number, CBU, etc..) Data; - Owner of Personal Data: Client Company; - Processing of Personal Data: all operations and systematic, electronic or procedures that enable the collection, conservation, management, storage, modification, evaluation, blocking and overall processing of personal data.
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