Monday, October 13, 2014

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Dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! As always worry about others, because never in the spotlight, we have decided that you did spoil me. Put your prom dress and sign up. With 50 lucky winners will take you to a special gathering to show Restaurant is looking for a boss. The contestants of the show you will be under the watchful eye Bine Volcic pampered with culinary delights.
Do you remember prom dresses 2013 your dream prom? As if it were yesterday ... When the dance you were awkward, but in the prom dress you shine. It was a special night for you that you will never forget. Do you have a dress still somewhere in the closet, attic, basement, pantry, chest? Find it and make sure you have it right. Are you one of the lucky ones who can still slipped into her?
Dairy Celeia the brand or light. light products Linia Green Valley and the popular cooking show Restaurant is looking for a boss they joined forces. 22 September 2014, we begin with a large prize competition, which will run until 13 October 2014 and in which we are looking for those who worry about their line and you can still dress your prom dress. Considered prom dresses 2013 as such, that burst the seams or the opposite - need a narrower line than a distant flies when you're with her partner and classmates airplay in the rhythms of quadrille.
50 lucky 24, 2014, attended by 10 very special gatherings in the show Restaurant is looking prom dresses 2013 for a boss, in which contestants will be under the watchful eye of a boss Bine Volcic, pamper you with culinary specialties.
The prize campaign can take part, both individuals and groups, mums, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, who can put on your prom dress, even though you have in the past zoožili or slightly expanded and you have your prom attended prom dresses 2013 by 2005 or earlier.
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