Tuesday, October 22, 2013

rus.tvnet.lv unbelievable view: what if the moon suddenly closer to the Earth

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Responsible fashion designer Vineta Minkevičs "Red lipstick is back with berry shades. Upto black lipstick tone. Lips Black is no longer just a Gothic-minded, but has become a high fashion current., However, the black lips, not fit for each, and must have the courage, if you choose to wear this color on the lips. It dictates the rules of accessories and clothing selection and approval. ty This is the latex on the lips and in any case not for the romantic-style-minded. himself each must decide whether the style is applied.
If you can thank the parents for the full, proportionate lips and dark hair, this trend meant for you! The darker the hair, the darker lips. Lips can be toned down, with the same tone circuit or dark shade of lipstick use only the middle. "Blueberry lips" perfectly complement saturated tone cocktail dress that will create a sexy bad girl's general ty image.
rus.tvnet.lv unbelievable view: what if the moon suddenly closer to the Earth
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